The recertification is intended to be a verification of your existing knowledge, skills and facilitation experience. Recertification candidates will be required to present a facilitation log from the last 12 months, pass a practical skills test, and pass a written test. Please be sure to review your challenge course / climbing wall knowledge, complete your facilitation log, and practice your skills before the recertification course. Preparedness for recertification plays heavily into the duration of the course.
Facilitation Log Review
To recertify, you must present the trainer with a copy of your facilitation log, documenting your Challenge Course program delivery experience. This document will be reviewed, verified, and kept on file.
Practical Skills Test
This part of the recertification will focus on skills relative to the level of certification you are testing to. This may include; knot tying, belaying, high event set-ups, spotting, access climbing / lobster clawing, skills specific to your site, and more. You will be expected to display confidence and solid competency in these skills.
Written Test
A score of at least 80% must be achieved to pass. This test will be proctored and evaluated on site.
Level 1 Recertification
It is required by ACCT that Challenge Course Facilitators be recertified annually to document competence and safety in their skills. ABEE offers recertification for a Level 1 Certificate in all tracks, during which, we will update and review industry standards and retest written and practical skills. The certification will last for 1 year.
Prerequisites for Level 1 Recertification:
- Prior completion of ABEE Level 1 Certification OR proof of approved equivalent Level 1 Certification by a Professional Vendor Member of ACCT.
- Completed facilitation log documenting at least 50-hours of Challenge Course program delivery experience in the previous year and retest OR take an additional 8-hours of training and retest.
Level 2 Recertification
A Level 2 recertification reflects facilitator experience and training which will provide leadership to other staff. ABEE offers recertification for a Level 2 Certificate in all tracks, during which, we will update and review industry standards and retest written and practical skills. The certification will last for 3 years.
Prerequisites for Level 2 Recertification:
- Prior completion of ABEE Level 2 Certification OR proof of approved equivalent Level 2 Certification by a Professional Vendor Member of ACCT.
- Completed facilitation log documenting at least 150-hours of Challenge Course program delivery experience AND document 24-hours of additional relevant training within the previous 3 years and retest OR retake initial training hours of Level 2 training and retest.
CCM (Challenge Course Manager) Recertification
To remain current at this level, this recertification is required every 5 years. It is an update and review of industry standards as well as retesting for written and practical skills. Participants who are not able to log 300-hours must retake the initial Challenge Course Manager Certification Training.
Prerequisites for Challenge Course Manager (CCM) Recertification:
- Completion of ABEE Challenge Course Manager Certification OR proof of approved equivalent Challenge Course Manager Certification by a Professional Vendor Member of ACCT.
- Completed Practitioner Portfolio documenting at least 300-hours delivering of Challenge Course program delivery AND document 30-hours of additional relevant training within the previous 5 years and retest OR retake initial training hours of CCM training and retest.
Site-Specific Recertification
A Site-Specific Recertification includes all of the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate specific activities at a specific site. It is possible for participants to be certified in only certain activities on a program site. However, this limits them to only work on these activities as a facilitator. This is a desirable training for facilitators who do not plan to work at other sites with different operating systems, as skills learned in this certification are not transferable to other systems or elements. This certification will last for 1 year.
Requirements to complete a Site Specific Recertification:
- Completed initial site specific OR higher level training.
- Completed facilitation log documenting at least 50-hours of Challenge Course program delivery experience in the previous year and retest OR take an additional 8-hours of training and retest.